Can I display YouTube video subtitles/captions?

If you are using Flockler’s Slideshow layout and have enabled the 'autoplay' option for videos, you can choose to show subtitles/captions too. While the sound of the video can’t be played without user interaction, enabling the subtitles/captions help viewers follow what’s going on in the video.

Here’s how to enable YouTube video subtitles/captions:

  • Log in to Flockler

  • Navigate to the 'Display' tab

  • If you don’t have a Slideshow for digital screens yet, click the 'Add a new layout' button

  • Next, click the 'Edit styles and settings' link

  • Enable both 'Autoplay for videos' and 'Subtitles for YouTube videos' for videos

  • Save changes, and your Slideshow will show subtitles/captions on YouTube videos

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