Can I show caption texts with the Carousel layout?

Yes, you can!

Here’s an example of a Carousel with captions texts visible below images:

Here’s how to create one for your business:

  • Log in to Flockler

  • Navigate to the 'Display' tab

  • Click the 'Add a new layout' button

  • Select 'Carousel' from the four available options

  • Click 'Edit style & settings'

  • Choose 'Cards' from the 'Style' options

  • Save changes and embed the Carousel on any website and digital service.

If you’d like to keep the 'Tiles' style and show all posts as a square, enabling a popup view is an alternative option. You can enable the popup view from Carousel’s settings, and after saving changes, your website visitors can click the image to view captions texts.

If you have any questions regarding this help page or Flockler features in general, don’t hesitate to chat with us.

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