How to tag products on social media posts

A shoppable Instagram gallery on a webshop

Many webshops show customer reviews and star ratings on the homepage and product pages. Social proof builds trust and drives sales.

With Flockler, e-commerce sites can show shoppable social media feeds combining content from their branded accounts and user-generated content from happy customers. In the shoppable galleries on the homepage and product pages, webshops show a mix of content from Instagram, TikTok, X (formerly Twitter), YouTube, and more (see the full list of content sources).

Here’s a three-step guide on how to tag products and show shoppable social media posts on any website:

  1. Add your Google Merchant / Google Shopping feed to Flockler

  2. Tag products on social media posts

  3. Embed shoppable galleries on any website and page

1. Add your Google Merchant / Google Shopping feed to Flockler

If you haven’t got a Flockler account just yet, sign up for our 14-day free trial. At the start, our platform asks you to gather posts from at least one social media channel.

After creating your first social feed, navigate to the 'Commerce' tab.

Here, add the URL of your Google Merchant feed.

Many Flockler customers use a tool like Channable to manage product feeds. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you need any help.

2. Tag products on social media posts

Once our team has checked your feed, you will receive an email to say it’s all ready for you to start tagging products.

Next, click the 'Commerce' tab in the navigation, and you will see the posts you’ve already gathered with Flockler. If this view is empty, head back to the 'Feeds' tab and add more content sources.

Here, you can select one or multiple social media posts. Then, click the green button to tag products.

Next, you will see a search field. You can type any product name and add one or multiple products to display on your website. Click the 'Add products' button when all done.

Repeat the same action for all social media items that you’d like to tag with a product.

3. Embed shoppable galleries on any website and page

The final step is to create an embed code for the shoppable gallery on your website. Navigate to the 'Display' tab and click the 'Create a new layout' button.

Here, you can choose from four different layouts, which you can further customize in their settings. You can create as many layouts as you like.

Social media feed design and layout options on the Flockler app

After choosing the layout, you will get an embed code to add to any website and webshop like Shopify. Click the 'Edit style & settings' link to customize the colours and look & feel of the layout to match your brand.

Social media feed embed code example

Here’s what the shoppable carousel looks like on Sohome’s homepage:

Shoppable Instagram gallery example

If you have enabled the popup mode in the layout’s settings, the product shows up after the user clicks a particular social media post.

A product tagged on a social media post

In addition to the homepage, you might be interested in showing social media posts on a specific product page.

If you have any questions regarding this feature, don’t hesitate to click the chat button at the bottom right corner of the page. We are happy to help!

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