Why is an Instagram image missing?

When you've set up an automated hashtag feed or are searching for Instagram images and videos via Flockler's Content tab, a specific image and video might be missing. Why is that?

The typical reasons include:

  • The Instagram user has edited the caption text after publishing the content. Instagram doesn't provide edited posts in a hashtag search stream for third parties like Flockler.

  • The user profile isn't public. Only the followers of a private account can view the posts and display them in digital services.

Partners and third parties like Flockler can access the following content via Instagram's developer access:

  1. The top posts for the hashtag (decided by Instagram).

  2. The posts mentioning the hashtag and published in the past 24 hours.

  3. The posts are either videos or images (IGTV and Stories are not available via hashtag search).

With Flockler's automated feeds, you can make sure all the future posts in a hashtag stream are stored and kept saved.

How can I add a missing post?

  1. Copy the link to the post

  2. Go to the content tab in Flockler

  3. Choose Instagram from the left

  4. Paste the link to the search field

  5. Click "Publish" to add content to your Flockler feed

You can use the same process for X (formerly Twitter) and YouTube content, too!

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