Can I block keywords and usernames?

When setting up automated feeds you can select if the content is displayed automatically or if you gather posts to the section's inbox for moderation/review.

In addition, you can block any keyword or username from Facebook, Instagram, and X (formerly Twitter).

Here’s how:

  1. Click Feeds on the top navigation after logging in.

  2. Click Block users and keywords to open the blacklist editor. 

  3. Choose X (formerly Twitter), Instagram, or Facebook.

  4. Choose whether to block by keyword or username.

  5. Write down the usernames and keywords you want to block.
    Tip: You can add multiple separated with a comma.

  6. Click Block button to activate.

  7. After adding keywords and users, no new posts matching your blacklist will be stored.

    Note that the blacklist will only block future content mentioning the keyword or posts by a user.

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