Which social media channels and content types Flockler supports?

Wondering what social media feeds you can display on your website with Flockler? 

Below is the list of channels and content types we currently support. You can combine feeds from multiple channels and display all content in one place.

Automated Feeds


  • All public images and videos mentioning a hashtag

  • All public images and videos by any Business Account

  • Public images and videos mentioning your Business Account or tagging it to an image (admin rights of the tagged/mentioned Business Account required). Learn more.

  • Instagram Stories of your Business Account (only Stories published in the past 24 hours, and admin rights of the Business Account required). Learn more.


  • All the Posts published by any public Facebook Page

  • Public Posts mentioning the Page you are administrating (admin access of mentioned Page required)

  • Reviews / recommendations from your Page (admin access of the Page required)

X (formerly Twitter)

  • Public tweets mentioning keyword / hashtag

  • Public tweets from any user


  • Automatically: All posts from your LinkedIn Page, except shared posts originally created by others (Page admin rights required)

  • Curate manually: You can add most public LinkedIn posts manually


  • Automatically: All videos from your TikTok account.

    Curate manually: Public videos by any user and hashtag. TikTok doesn't provide a hashtag feed of content yet, but you can add any public video manually. Learn more.


  • Public videos from any public channel or playlist

  • Public videos mentioning keyword / hashtag


  • Public Pins from any user

  • Public Pins from user’s board

Google Reviews

  • Reviews of a location/business you manage

RSS feeds

  • Typically news/blog posts from your website


  • Available on request.


Manual curation from social media

You can add posts manually from X (formerly Twitter), Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, and TikTok without setting up an automated feed.

Upload form

Flockler Reviews feature allows you to create a custom upload and:

  1. Gather star ratings, feedback, and testimonials

  2. Organise a user-generated content campaign

  3. Gather text and images at events and internal meetings

Custom posts

Flockler users can create custom posts, including text and images, and display them with social media posts and reviews.

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