How to enhance X (formerly Twitter) feeds update time
After Elon Musk took over, X (formerly Twitter) made changes to its API and developer program a paid X (formerly Twitter) account is required if you want to collect X (formerly Twitter) hashtag feeds every 5 minutes without any limitations on the number of posts or want to enhance the update time for username feeds.
In this help document, we will show you how to enhance the update time for X (formerly Twitter) hashtag and username feeds and what exactly is needed from X (formerly Twitter) before doing so.
By default updates for X (formerly Twitter) hashtag feeds will now happen every 6 hours, with a maximum of 10 tweets per update. For X (formerly Twitter) username feeds the update frequency is 2 times per day without any limits on the amount of pulled posts.
If you want to moderate all tweets before they appear on your website and other digital platforms, you can consider adding posts manually. You don’t need Twitter’s paid plan for manual curation!
But if you’d like to show tweets automatically and you want to enhance the default update time for your X (formerly Twitter) feeds please follow these steps:
Step 1: Purchase Twitter’s Basic plan
Step 2: Connect your Twitter Basic plan with the Flockler account
Step 1: Purchase Twitter’s Basic plan
Twitter’s Basic plan is available through their developer portal, and here’s what you need to know:
The Twitter Basic plan costs 200 USD / month. You can purchase it by credit card only.
There’s no minimum commitment; you can cancel it at any time.
You’ll need to purchase the Twitter Basic plan directly from Twitter. You can’t purchase it from Flockler.
The Twitter Basic plan allows you to collect up to 10 000 tweets per month. It’s more than enough for any standard hashtag campaign.
Here’s how to purchase Twitter’s Basic plan:
First, go to Twitter’s developer portal and click the 'Subscribe to Basic' button.
Next, log in with your company's Twitter account or sign up for a new one.
After logging in, click the 'Subscribe' button.
Next, Twitter asks you to write a few sentences on how you are looking to use their developer access.
Tick all the boxes and add this text (or similar) in the field:
"We want to show a curated collection of tweets on our website and other digital platforms. Our developer partner will work on the integration, allowing us to store, curate, and display the best posts to our audience, drive traffic to our Twitter account, and build content engagement."
Click 'Submit' to move forward.
Now, add your company information and credit card details.
After successful payment, you will be directed to the developer portal. Click the arrow on the left next to 'Project and Apps'.
Next, click the second app name generated by Twitter on the left.
Now, choose 'Keys and tokens' in the navigation on the right.
Here, click the 'Generate' button for the Bearer token. You don’t need to generate any of the other tokens.
And finally, copy the Bearer token and save it to your notes before moving to step 2.
Step 2: Connect your X (formerly Twitter) Basic plan with the Flockler account
Add the Twitter Bearer key in Flockler’s settings:
Click the 'Settings' icon on Flockler’s navigation and then the 'API keys' on the right.
Add the 'Bearer' key to the field.
That's it!
After adding your Bearer Token to Flockler, all your Twitter hashtag feeds will update every 5 minutes without any limits on how many posts the feeds can pull for one update.
And all your username X (formerly Twitter) feeds will update every 20 minutes if you have up to 10 X (formerly Twitter) feeds, every 40 minutes for 11-20 X (formerly Twitter) feeds, every 60 minutes for 21-30 (formerly Twitter) feeds, adjusting to meet Twitter API’s request limits.